Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Day At The Museum

On Monday Des and I took the kids to the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller. Ben had been asking us all Sunday if we could go to Dinosaur Provincial Park (which is close by) and we thought if we were going to see dinosaurs we might as well see lots of them in a warm environment (Monday was cold).
One of the funniest part of trip was when we got to a part in the museum that covered under water creatures. In that area they have a glass floor so you can see the creatures underneath you. Rachel could not understand how we were able to walk across a room that appeared to not have a floor. she was shuffling her feet until she would get close enough to take a huge step onto one of the support beams in the floor. Then she would take another hesitant step off the beam thinking she was going to fall through the floor and unto the creatures. We tried to get her to touch the floor and told her it was glass but she wouldn't listen until we were out of there.

All in all we had fun. Until Ben got chased by some Valasa Raptors and we had to leave.


Kristen said...

CUTE! My kids love the museum, since it's so close to us we have gone frequently. Colby now says that he wants to be a dinosaur bone hunter. Sounds like fun!

Randa said...

those raptors tsk tsk tsk nothing but trouble =)

Kimara said...

I love the pictures! Are you sure it isn't the raptors running from Ben? Hee hee