Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ben's place?

Ben and I were driving home yesterday after baseball practice. As we pasted the local bowling alley (which is currently closed and for sale) Ben and I had the following conversation:

- Dad, when is that bowling alley going to open again?
- I don’t know, I think it needs a bunch of things fixed before it can open again
- What needs to be fixed? The thing that sucks the balls up?
- I don’t know, I just heard that there is bunch of things
- How about some of the signs?
- Maybe
- Or the floor where the balls roll down?
- You mean the lanes?
- Ya the lanes, it must be the lanes that are broken!
- That’s possible
- Why don’t you buy it and fix it up so we can go bowling?
- I think there is a lot of stuff to fix and I don’t have enough money to buy a bowling alley and fix it up
- Go to the bank and ask them, they’ll give you money
- How much money do you think I’ll need to ask for?
- Oh I don’t know, maybe $163 dollars, that’s a lot of money
- I’m not sure but I might need more then that buddy

Oh to be young again and to think $163 is a lot of money. Who knows, the bowling alley has been up for sale for a while. Maybe I’ll finance Ben and he can make an offer on the place. He wouldn’t even need to change the sign out front.

I can see it now…
Hey mister, I’ll give you $163.50 cash right now for your property. What do say?


Kimara said...

Good luck! I think he wants a couple of million that is why it is still for sale! GRRRRR....Ben needs to fundraise we need a bowling alley in town!

Kristen said...

I think that one time or other in our lives we all have to dream about buying the bowling alley. Sadly, I don't think it'll ever sell. I thought that was too cute. I love how kids have no real concept of money. If only $163 was a lot of money. Those carefree days....I miss being a kid! Boo!

Kathy T. said...

Come on Rich! Your're "Rich!" ha,ha,ha I bet you haven't heard that one before!

I think you just need to ask everyone in Brooks to donate $163 to the cause - that should cover it - don't you think?